Curious_Cephalopod, one of 32 rotating aliases, converses with PHO admin A_real about their unusual account usage. A_real is concerned about the multitude of accounts, but Curious_Cephalopod justifies it as a security measure, claiming to be under surveillance. Despite A_real’s skepticism, they agree to link the accounts internally after Curious_Cephalopod provides verification, confirming their cape status. The admin notes the user’s peculiarity, chalking it up to powers weirdness.
The Guild, now established on Gimel.US, posts a warning about multiversal travel. Forty-seven Earths are accessible, but six are blocked due to threats, two at the request of their inhabitants, and Aleph is blocked as well. The Guild cautions against unauthorized travel and exploring uncharted territories, citing incidents of harm and the difficulty of rescue operations. They highlight the dangers of Earth Bet, deemed uninhabitable due to chemical contamination and lingering threats.
PHO users discuss the challenges of post-Scion life. Ohearn explains the concentration of capes and corner-world settlements. Venturain considers joining a corner-world, seeking freedom from the city’s pressures. Slayer of Isaac recounts a negative experience with a corner-world settlement taken over by capes during a harsh winter. Athonic mentions the need for skilled labor like doctors and teachers, while Lex_Dogbell laments the lack of educational opportunities. Fishmon expresses concern for those trapped in dangerous situations on other Earths.
In a group chat, Cap reveals their limited knowledge of corporate cape operations. Of5 expresses concern about being tracked and plans to go to ground. Cap offers support, but Of5 declines, citing the unknown vectors of attack. Curious_Cephalopod joins the conversation, mentioning research into potential settlement locations. They note the scattered nature of their group and the logistical challenges posed by the megalopolis.
Cap encourages Curious_Cephalopod to be more open, but Of5 abruptly ends the conversation to avoid hurt feelings. Heart_Shaped_Pupil privately messages Curious_Cephalopod, expressing excitement over a positive interaction with another member, “A”. Heart_Shaped_Pupil then proposes a meeting/date in the city with Curious_Cephalopod, citing their proximity and similar age.
Curious_Cephalopod declines, stating there are at least two hundred reasons why it’s a bad idea. When pressed, they simply say “because you’re you and I’m me.” Heart_Shaped_Pupil shifts the conversation, asking about Curious_Cephalopod’s earlier statement regarding their changing usernames. Curious_Cephalopod admits it was a ploy to pique Heart_Shaped_Pupil’s curiosity and reveal their identity.