
Grue, my team leader, argues that we couldn’t have known the true extent of Coil’s, our employer’s, plans, but I point out our complacency directly led to Dinah’s, a young precognitive, kidnapping. Tattletale, our team’s thinker, admits she suspected something was off when Dinah disappeared the same day we robbed a bank for Coil, but she assumed it was a less severe situation, possibly related to Dinah’s uncle, a mayoral candidate. She believed it might’ve been a ransom or a political maneuver, not a serious kidnapping. She acknowledges she was wrong and that Coil has been subtly manipulating her. Bitch suggests telling Coil off, but I explain we can’t just abandon Dinah, and Grue reveals some members rely on Coil, especially him for his sister, Aisha’s, sake.

Grue argues he prioritizes his family and team, a stance that shocks me. I argue that this situation is different from ignoring distant suffering, as we’re directly involved. Regent, having grown up with a mind-controlling father, shrugs it off, claiming Coil’s situation is different because he’s not being forced to be someone he’s not. Tattletale, our last hope for support, looks unhappy but ultimately sides with the others, suggesting Coil is testing our loyalty. She states that we need to discuss this as a team, but I express my disgust, stating that even considering staying with Coil is wrong. Feeling betrayed and angry, I decide to leave.

As I walk away, Grue tries to stop me, but my anger explodes. I use my bugs to create a barrier between us, ready for a potential fight. I consider his weaknesses, but Bitch’s dogs are also present, making the situation more dangerous. Grue tells the others to let me go, and I flee. Back at our loft, I find only Angelica, one of Bitch’s dogs, weakened by a recent attack. The atmosphere is heavy, and I’m overwhelmed by a sense of being lost. I pack a bag, taking essentials and a piece of amber Grue gave me. Tattletale finds me, asking where I’m going. I’m cold, accusing them of potentially coming after me. She denies it, but the conversation is strained. I express my inability to pretend things are normal, even if we were to work together to save Dinah.

Tattletale says Grue is also freaked out, but I shrug it off, stating that this situation simply revealed his true character. I refuse to say a proper goodbye, leaving the possibility of future contact open. As I descend the stairs, a loud siren wails, signaling an emergency. Tattletale confirms my worst fear: it’s an Endbringer. I panic, thinking about my dad, but Tattletale reminds me he’ll evacuate. She mentions the team’s previous agreement to help in Endbringer attacks and clarifies that, given the current tension, I’m not obligated to join. Without hesitation, I agree to go, unable to walk away from such a crisis.