Leviathan, an unstoppable force, surged through the city, leaving a trail of destruction and fallen heroes. His relentless advance, coupled with the devastating water echo that amplified his every move, pushed the defending capes to their limits. Amidst the chaos, I, armed with an armband directing me to the wounded, struggled to make a difference.
The battlefield was a maelstrom of powers clashing. Legend’s lasers danced around Leviathan, inflicting searing wounds, while Alexandria engaged in a brutal close-quarters fight, briefly managing to overpower the beast. Dragon, too, joined the fray, her plasma blasts momentarily staggering Leviathan, though doing little lasting damage.
My armband guided me to a fallen cape, a teenager with a shattered leg. With difficulty, I helped him retreat, witnessing the ongoing fight. Alexandria’s valiant struggle against Leviathan saw her briefly pinned underwater, while Dragon’s armor was torn apart, piece by piece.
Another injured cape, her face mangled, required immediate attention. With the help of a fire-wielding hero, I cauterized her wounds, a grim necessity in the absence of proper medical supplies.
As the battle raged, Leviathan was momentarily driven back by a powerful explosion, an attack orchestrated by a contingent of lesser heroes. Their combined efforts, though inflicting superficial damage, were a testament to their determination.
My first attempt at CPR on an obese cape proved challenging, the experience both physically and emotionally taxing. The fight continued, with Narwhal’s forcefields slicing into Leviathan, and Ballistic’s projectiles crashing against him.
A yellow warning flashed on my armband – a tidal wave. Shielder created a protective bubble, saving a handful of us from the devastating surge. The aftermath was grim, with heavy casualties and the armbands ominously silent.
Myrddin and Eidolon worked in tandem, turning the wave’s water into mist and launching it at Leviathan, sending him crashing into a building. Forcefields and Vista’s spatial manipulation trapped him momentarily, but he soon broke free.
Bastion, a controversial figure, sacrificed himself to bring down a building on Leviathan, a desperate attempt to stop the creature. The losses were staggering, with the Protectorate Headquarters reduced to rubble and a long list of capes fallen. Tattletale’s name among them sent a jolt of fear through me.
Leviathan, though wounded, remained a formidable threat. He escaped, pursued by the remaining capes. Miss Militia’s specialized ammunition – a golden goo, crystal-forming projectiles, and time-distortion grenades – managed to hinder him, but he broke free, his tail ensnaring and killing three more heroes.
The fight reached a critical point. Leviathan, cornered, lashed out, his afterimage tearing through our ranks. Kaiser’s metal barriers, though initially effective, ultimately failed. Just as Leviathan was about to break through, Clockblocker froze him mid-pounce.
Chaos erupted as capes shouted conflicting orders. Using a nearby cape’s armband, I called for a teleporter to extract Clockblocker, who was suffocating within his own frozen time field. Trickster arrived, swapping Clockblocker with a deceased cape.
Armsmaster, taking charge, announced a change of plans. With our forces decimated, the goal shifted from defeating Leviathan to stalling him, prioritizing survival and hoping for Scion’s intervention. Eidolon departed to mitigate the damage, while the rest of us prepared to face Leviathan once more, a desperate last stand against an unstoppable force. The city’s fate hung in the balance, our hope dwindling with each passing moment. Our only goal was to survive and pray for a miracle.