
After leaving the boys, Lisa informs Taylor that they’re updating her wardrobe, which she deems too “cautious” and “observant.” Lisa believes Taylor’s muted, conservative fashion choices reflect her tendency to overthink and play it safe. She suspects Taylor is capable of surprising everyone, including herself, if she lets go and improvises more.

Lisa explains that she and the others have been speculating about the “suckish” part of Taylor’s life. Initially suspecting abuse from her father, they quickly ruled him out based on how Taylor spoke of him. They concluded that school must be the source of her troubles. Taylor is displeased by their prying but understands their curiosity. She insists on keeping her two lives separate and warns Lisa not to interfere with her personal problems.

Lisa agrees but encourages Taylor to embrace bolder fashion choices and show some cleavage. Taylor laments her flat chest, and Lisa expresses condolences about Taylor’s late mother, unaware of her passing. They negotiate on a pair of jeans, with Taylor agreeing to wear them if Lisa finds a larger size. They continue shopping, avoiding the earlier topic.

After shopping, Lisa buys Taylor’s silence regarding a slip-up about Panacea being a hostage during their previous encounter. Taylor agrees, though she would have kept quiet regardless. Lisa offers to interfere in Taylor’s personal life if she ever wants her to, but Taylor declines.

They join Brian and Alec at Fugly Bob’s, a greasy fast-food joint. Brian cautions against excessive spending after a caper, but Lisa reassures him that her regular spending habits won’t raise flags. Taylor suggests something “less intense” for their next illicit activity, wanting to better understand her powers before facing dangerous opponents.

They order their food and share sides. Taylor suggests they share their origin stories, which unexpectedly kills the conversation. Everyone reacts strangely, leaving Taylor confused about what she said wrong.