The Undersiders, atop their monstrous canine steeds, find rooftop traversal far less glamorous than depicted in fiction. Bitch, supporting an unconscious Tattletale, calls for assistance. Grue dismounts, helping to lower Tattletale to the ground, while Skitter laments her armor’s impediment to their earlier, intimate escape, clinging to Grue as they fled.
In a deserted alley, they assess their situation, checking for pursuers. Skitter retrieves smelling salts from her kit, reviving Tattletale, who complains of a battered stomach and arm. As they help her up, Regent summarizes the recent events: Tattletale’s incapacitation and their subsequent escape.
Suddenly, Armsmaster appears, bearing welts and bloody marks from Skitter’s hornet assault. Dauntless, the rising star of the Protectorate, blocks their other escape route. Dauntless, known for imbuing his gear with power daily, sports his Arclance, energy shield, and boots.
Skitter reveals she discarded Armsmaster’s Halberd, but he retrieves it instantly, revealing a teleportation mechanism. He demands their surrender. Tattletale, stalling for time, reveals they’re near their getaway vehicle.
Grue engulfs the area in darkness, only for Dauntless to dispel it with a forcefield bubble. Tattletale attempts to sow discord, exposing Armsmaster’s resentment towards Dauntless, but Dauntless is wearing earbuds, taking orders from Armsmaster.
Regent intervenes, causing Dauntless to stumble and drop his forcefield. Grue leads their escape, leaping over Dauntless and kicking him down. They flee the alley, the dogs blocking traffic.
Dauntless fires his Arclance, hitting Brutus and Angelica, but with minimal effect. Regent disrupts Dauntless’s aim, causing a rain of glass as they enter the parking garage. Armsmaster grapples to the entrance, but Bitch commands Judas to intercept, tearing the grappling hook and bar.
Armsmaster switches to his halberd, injuring Judas, then uses a flail to take down the dog. He boasts about the garage’s locked exits, but is suddenly replaced by a concrete pillar.
A steam-powered giant with massive hands and a smoke-spewing spout, along with Ballistic and Circus, join the fray. Dauntless is intercepted by Sundancer. The steam-powered giant, Trainwreck, pummels Armsmaster with the help of a sea creature, Genesis.
Circus attacks Dauntless, her minor powers and enhanced coordination making her a formidable opponent. Ballistic launches cars at Dauntless’s forcefield, breaking it. Circus delivers a final blow with a sledgehammer, ending the fight.
Trainwreck and Genesis subdue Armsmaster and Dauntless. A voice breaks the silence: Coil appears, flanked by soldiers. He had orchestrated the Travelers, Circus, and Trainwreck to assist the Undersiders.
Tattletale confirms no more pursuers are nearby. Coil, satisfied, invites the Undersiders and Trickster to join him, stating they have much to discuss.