
Worm, Arc 14.4 Summary

Glory Girl glares at Tattletale with hostility, as Chariot offers Tattletale an earbud connected to the PRT’s encrypted channel. Tattletale reveals she already has access, surprising Battery. Director Piggot contacts Tattletale via phone, acknowledging Tattletale’s information gathering. She reveals that Tattletale has been mislead by intentionally false information from PRT.

The Director questions the Undersiders’ recent actions, including their fight with Burnscar, the ambush on the Nine, and the current attack on Siberian. Skitter justifies their actions, stating they had to act against the Nine. Tattletale reveals Siberian’s weakness: she’s a projection controlled by a vulnerable man, who is likely nearby for better control.

The Director is skeptical but intrigued. Tattletale suggests the controller’s identity is tied to a past trauma, but the information isn’t immediately useful for tracking him. The Director states her intention to end the Nine today, revealing a plan to firebomb the Nine’s location.

Skitter protests, as her teammates are fighting the Nine. The Director states no alliance was made, so there’s no betrayal, and Legend had warned them against engaging. Tattletale deduces the Director is withholding the exact bombing time to observe their actions and possibly eliminate them as collateral damage.

Glory Girl angrily confronts Amy, severing their ties. Amy, overwhelmed, asks to be left behind, offering to create relay bugs for Skitter. Skitter agrees and provides instructions, warning Amy of potential danger from Mannequin.

Skitter locates the Nine, except for Mannequin. Regent’s group is fighting Crawler, using hit-and-run tactics to keep him pinned. Skitter informs Regent of the bombing, but he says they can’t retreat without Crawler pursuing.

Skitter, Grue, and Sundancer join the fight. Grue uses his darkness, and Sundancer attacks a building with her miniature sun, causing it to collapse on Crawler. They regroup, aware of the imminent bombing. With limited transport options, Genesis carries Imp and Ballistic, but Crawler emerges and attacks, injuring Genesis and forcing them to the ground.

Skitter directs her swarm to bind Crawler with silk, buying time. She realizes they can’t outrun the blast, especially with Imp injured. Skitter sacrifices herself, ordering the others to leave her behind. Crawler pursues, threatening Skitter.

Skitter desperately searches for an escape, considering the sewers or using her bugs to lift herself, but both options are risky. The heroes are retreating, preparing for the bombing, while Jack and Bonesaw also flee.

Amy creates a giant, flying beetle. Skitter mounts it, but it doesn’t know how to fly. After a crash, she uses her power to control its movements, successfully taking off. She realizes Amy created the beetle as both transport and firepower. Skitter flies past the others, confident in her control. Crawler remains bound by her bugs. Clockblocker freezes Cache and himself, preparing for the imminent bombing.