
The bell rang, ending computer class. Heading to her next class, she noticed Madison and two friends giggling. Her usual seat near the door, chosen for quick escapes from bullies, had been targeted with a juice prank, a reminder of a past incident. She took another seat as Mr. Gladly, her least favorite teacher, entered.

Mr. Gladly, instructed the class to form groups of four to share homework and compete for a vending machine prize. Avoiding the awkwardness of being group-less, she approached Mr. Gladly to request a new textbook, lying that she’d lost hers. He agreed, reminding her of the $35 replacement fee.

Joining Sparky and Greg, she found herself in a familiar group of leftovers. Sparky, a spacey drummer, was oblivious, while Greg, though smart, had an unrestrained, rambling way of talking. Julia, one of Madison’s friends, arrived late and joined their group, much to everyone’s displeasure.

Madison’s group sat nearby, allowing Julia to chat with them. Greg, energized by the presence of popular girls, tried to join their conversation, only to be ignored. She handed Greg her homework, which he praised before Julia snatched it and passed it to Madison. A confrontation ensued, with Madison condescendingly dismissing her.

Unable to retrieve her work, she fumed as Greg tried to salvage the situation. Mr. Gladly chose Greg to present their group’s work, which he botched. Madison then presented, using her homework, though misinterpreting one point. Another group won, but Mr. Gladly acknowledged Madison’s effort.

Furious, she tuned out the lecture, her anger and her power making it hard to focus. After class, Mr. Gladly asked her to stay behind, stating he wasn’t oblivious to the bullying. He mentioned past incidents and suggested talking to the principal.

She questioned the outcome, knowing the bullies would likely face only a short suspension and seek revenge. Mr. Gladly insisted it was a start, but she disagreed, calling it self-sabotage. As she left, she found Emma, Madison, Sophia, and others waiting for her in the hall.