Coil, the enigmatic benefactor of the Undersiders, had orchestrated a series of events that left the major players in Brockton Bay’s underworld reeling. Now, in the confines of an armored limousine, he made his move, revealing the full scope of his ambition and offering the Undersiders a pivotal role in his grand design.
He began with a demonstration of his power, flipping coins that landed on heads for each member, Skitter included. “Probability manipulation?” she’d asked, to which he replied, “Just the opposite. I control destinies.” Tattletale, bound by a contractual agreement, confirmed his claim, albeit vaguely. Coil explained that he’d hired Tattletale to keep potential enemies in the dark, a strategy he extended to the Undersiders as a whole. Their formation was a gambit, their survival a test. “If you failed,” he admitted, “there would simply be fewer parahumans in this city for me to be concerned about.”
The Travelers, a group with an established track record, had already heard his proposal. Trickster, their representative, confirmed their participation, provided Coil delivered on his promise of a “fix” to their ongoing problem. The nature of this problem remained shrouded in mystery, hinted at only by a teammate’s comment about their insatiable need for money.
Coil then unveiled his grand vision: to seize control of Brockton Bay, not just the criminal underworld, but the entire city - government, law enforcement, business, everything. “Desiring to take over the world is not only cliche but unrealistic,” he’d said. “I will, for the time being, content myself with seizing this city.” The ABB was wiped out, Empire Eighty-Eight was on the ropes, and the Protectorate was weakened and under scrutiny. New Wave was too controversial, the Merchants too weak, and Faultline’s group could be bought. Coil had also been quietly acquiring properties and had even sponsored two mayoral candidates. “The dominoes have been set up,” he declared, “and the first of them are already falling.”
The Undersiders’ role in this? To control the Docks and the surrounding area, guarding against parahuman trespassers and quashing any gangs that didn’t submit to his command. “Wealth and power go without saying,” Coil said. “Beyond that, I leave it to you to name your terms.”
He addressed each member individually. To Bitch, he offered resources to care for her rescued dogs and assistants to work under her. To Regent, he promised status and notoriety to surpass his estranged father. Grue was relying on Coil for a personal matter, the details of which remained undisclosed. But Skitter posed a challenge. “You, and you alone, Skitter, have me wondering what you desire,” he’d said.
Skitter, careful to avoid alerting Tattletale to her true motives, voiced a desire for the city’s improvement. “Fix up the Docks,” she’d said. “Give people work. Clean up the drug trade. Straighten out the asinine bureaucracy.” Coil countered that he already intended to do much of that. “I would consider it a catastrophic failure on my part if this city did not thrive under my rule,” he’d stated. However, he made it clear that crime and drugs couldn’t be eradicated, only tamed. He promised to reduce the distribution of the most harmful drugs and maintain order through appointed territories. “If you were to accept my offer,” he told Skitter, “I would fully expect you to contact me and speak up at any time you felt I was not following through.”
Coil concluded by giving the Undersiders a week to decide. He released Tattletale from her contractual obligations and provided each member with an account from a supervillain banker. As they departed the limousine, Grue shook Coil’s hand, expressing a hope to continue their working relationship. The Undersiders, each grappling with their own thoughts and dilemmas, made their way back to their loft in silence. Skitter, however, had a secret agenda, one that hinged on this very offer. The question was, how did she truly feel about it?