
Taylor and her dad find themselves cooling their heels in the principal’s office, a tactic, her dad suggests, to assert dominance. They’re not alone; Emma, accompanied by her imposing father, Alan, arrives looking unfazed. Madison and her parents follow, the picture of concern, and lastly, Sophia, scowling and accompanied by a woman who’s definitely not her mom.

The meeting finally convenes in a room with an egg-shaped table, the trio and their guardians on one end, Taylor and her dad on the other. The principal, a severe-looking woman, opens the discussion, addressing Taylor as the “victimized” student and Emma, Madison, and Sophia as the accused. The conversation quickly reveals a power imbalance. Taylor is expected to present her case without preparation, while Alan, a lawyer, expertly steers the narrative.

Taylor, undeterred, produces a meticulously documented record of the bullying, starting from the previous semester. Each incident, from vicious emails to physical harassment, is laid out, painting a grim picture of her daily life at Winslow High. However, the focus shifts from the sheer volume of incidents to the lack of concrete evidence. The emails, mostly from anonymous accounts, are deemed unverifiable.

Taylor highlights an incident witnessed by Mr. Gladly, her teacher, but his testimony is watered down. He recalls seeing Taylor with the other girls but frames it as if Taylor had chosen to handle things independently. Taylor refutes this, stating she’d predicted the meeting would be a farce. Her dad questions if the faculty is accusing Taylor of fabrication, to which the principal clarifies that victims might embellish events. She emphasizes ensuring fair treatment for the accused girls.

The conversation takes a turn when Alan asks what would satisfy Taylor and her dad. Taylor’s request is simple: transfer to Arcadia High, a better school with no gangs, no drugs, and a responsive faculty. She also proposes a two-month in-school suspension for the trio, denying them privileges and participation in school activities. She’s adamant about not wanting expulsion or out-of-school suspension, as it would either reward them or give them the opportunity to retaliate at Arcadia.

The proposal is met with resistance. Sophia’s guardian argues against disrupting her track and field involvement, while Madison’s dad deems the suspension excessive. The principal, citing the need for resources and the risk of academic failure, suggests a two-week suspension instead. Taylor vehemently opposes this, stating it’s the last thing she wants. She wants to transfer to Arcadia High.

The principal claims she can’t make promises about the transfer, which prompts Taylor to stand up, frustrated. She accuses the principal of dehumanizing her and using manipulative tactics. She argues with her father that they’re not the enemy but the principal retorts that it feels like it’s them versus Taylor and her dad. Taylor, emotional, suggests bringing a weapon to school to force an expulsion, further escalating the tension.

Her dad intervenes, urging her to stop, then threatens to go to the media with the evidence. Alan counters with the threat of pressing charges against Taylor for assaulting Emma, citing surveillance footage and a statement from Shadow Stalker. He reminds Taylor’s dad that most cases are decided by who runs out of money first. This is blackmail, plain and simple, and it’s happening right in front of the teachers, who remain passive observers.

Taylor, defeated, storms out. Her dad apologizes, assuring her it’s not over. Taylor, however, is done. She contacts Lisa, seeking an outlet for her anger. Lisa offers her a spot in an upcoming raid on the ABB, specifically to accompany Bitch and members from other groups. Taylor accepts, ready to channel her frustration into action.