Taylor takes the bus to the Undersiders’ loft, noticing the city’s undercurrents. Gang members, enforcers, and the ever-present threat of violence were simply facts of life in Brockton Bay.
Reaching the loft, she finds Brian and Alec sparring. Brian, older and more physically fit, easily outmaneuvers the less-than-enthusiastic Alec. Brian explains that Lisa is on the phone with their boss, and Rachel (Bitch) is in her room with her dogs.
Alec quickly loses interest in the training, opting for video games instead. Taylor, however, asks Brian for some pointers. He obliges, teaching her basic fighting techniques: proper stance, efficient punches, and the importance of staying aggressive. He mentions his own limited martial arts experience, emphasizing practical skills over formal training.
Taylor asks about getting a weapon, recalling her fight with Lung where she felt a need for something more than her fists. Brian suggests she talk to Lisa, who handles their gear requests.
Curious, Taylor inquires about their mysterious boss. Brian and Alec admit they don’t know his identity. Lisa might know, but she’s sworn to secrecy. The boss provides them with everything they need – money, contacts, gear – and asks for little in return, only occasional jobs.
Just then, Lisa joins them, announcing their next job: “We’re robbing a bank.”