Worm, Chapter 24.3 Summary:
Eidolon and Alexandria, a dynamic duo, their strikes echoing, lights dimming, transforming kinetic energy. Behemoth, adapting, each minute gaining ground. The command center, their target, a rooftop bustling with thinkers and tinkers, forcefields flickering, a lesson learned, rooftops and vulnerability.
Weaver, tense, observes Behemoth, his claws, lightning, a relentless advance. Golem, hands of stone and metal, a valiant defense. Hoyden, detonations against lightning, a shield for the mid-line. Tecton, fissures in the ground, Annex, bridges to safety. Dispatch, a blur, a pause, a distortion of time and space, medical care in a heartbeat. Revel, orbs of light, shearing into Behemoth, a brief reprieve.
A roar, a crescendo, a weapon of sound. Weaver, fleeing, bugs a living shield, a sense of balance lost. The rooftop, a target, a desperate evacuation. Arbiter, a translator, a pregnant cape, a tragic misunderstanding. Silk lines, a makeshift escape, a building groaning under the strain.
Behemoth, shifting tactics, fire, relentless, unstoppable. Arbiter, a forcefield, a government building, a rogue cape, a command structure in ruins. Tattletale, wounded, a name whispered in fear. A shockwave, a desperate retreat, a grim realization, decoys, a sacrifice, a question of strategy.
Rime, a new command, a tactical retreat. A temple, a triage, Tattletale, a note, a chilling revelation. The Endbringers, holding back, a pattern, a target beyond India Gate. Accord, dead, an alliance in question, a computer, a desperate plea.
A phone, a mission, a search for Behemoth’s objective. Kismet, a balance thinker, Particulate, a dust tinker, Fathom, a displacement power. A triangulation, an underground chamber, an energy signature, a way in, a discovery.
Phir Sē, a monster, a time bomb, a weapon of immense power. A teleporter, a ruthless demonstration, a city held hostage. A strategic gamble, a daughter’s life, a hero’s dilemma. A choice, a risk, an ultimatum.
The screens, a flickering view of the battle, a final stand. A warning, a plea, a tense anticipation. The chapter ends with a city’s fate hanging in the balance, a monster’s choice, and a hero’s desperate gamble against an unbeatable foe.