
Downtown Brockton Bay, a stark contrast of affluence and poverty, served as a refuge for Taylor after a hasty retreat from school. Avoiding the painful reminders of the day’s events, she fixated on a message from Tattletale, a B-list villain who, along with her team, had recently confounded even the likes of Armsmaster. The message proposed a meeting, a chance to repay a perceived favor. Despite a nagging suspicion of a trap, Taylor couldn’t fathom a motive.

The villains were an enigma. Grue and Hellhound, once minor players from different cities, were now part of a team pulling off high-profile heists. Their sudden alliance and elevated success were baffling. Leadership seemed nonexistent, with Grue openly teasing Regent and the team struggling to agree on how to handle Lung. Information, Taylor realized, was key in the world of capes.

Hungry and penniless, Taylor found herself outside a busy library. A ridiculous thought popped into her head - she could ask the supervillains for lunch money. But the absurdity led to a more serious consideration: using the meeting to gather intel for Armsmaster. It was a betrayal, yes, but a calculated one.

Entering the library, Taylor waited for a computer. She crafted a message to Tattletale, requesting proof of identity before agreeing to meet. The reply came swiftly, filled with unsettlingly accurate details of their encounter, and the alarming revelation that Tattletale knew Taylor’s current location. Was it a threat? Or simply the unsettling power of a savvy cape?

Despite her fear, the offer to meet Tattletale and her team unmasked was too tempting. It was a high-stakes gamble, the potential rewards immense: a major victory for the heroes, recognition from Armsmaster, and valuable information. The risks were equally significant: a fight, a beating, or even death. But facing those dangers was part of being a hero.

The alternative was inaction, letting the opportunity slip away and wallowing in the misery of missed classes. The choice was clear. With a jolt, Taylor realized she was lost in thought, the computer’s screensaver a colorful blur. A woman was waiting. Taylor smiled, a surge of relief flooding her. “Give me thirty seconds,” she said, and sent her final message:

Subject: Re:Bug

See you at three.