Worm, Chapter 15.3 Summary
Tattletale’s light smile didn’t reach her eyes as she proposed a “cliché” to the defeated Chosen: “the easy way or the hard way.” Othala snarled a defiant “Fuck you.” Skitter, feeling betrayed, realized she’d been left out of the Undersiders’ plan to enslave Victor. Despite numerous calls, no one had informed her, possibly because they knew she’d object. Now, objecting would make the group appear weak, a fact Tattletale was likely exploiting.
Silently fuming, Skitter positioned herself to observe everyone. Tattletale offered Victor, their “tax payment,” a chance to “pick up something useful, talent-wise.” Victor, arrogant even while bound, refused to betray his team. Regent mentioned the PRT’s master-resistance training, hoping Victor had absorbed some techniques.
Victor, exuding an air of old-world nobility, wore a black breastplate with a stylized ‘v’, a red shirt, and black slacks. Othala, in a tomato-red bodysuit with a rune-centered icon, kneeled injured, unable to heal herself. Rune, barely older than Imp, wore a dark blue, rune-lined cloak.
Regent, hoping Victor could teach him master-resistance, got a flat “No.” Imp, following Tattletale’s cue, kicked Othala, prompting a furious reaction from Victor. Tattletale calmly deduced Victor and Othala’s relationship, born from a tragedy involving Othala’s cousin. Victor, initially dismissive, grew agitated as Tattletale exposed his insecurities about his feelings for Othala, suggesting he was lying to himself about loving her.
Skitter found the idea of feigned confidence becoming real “hollow.” Victor defended their relationship, citing trust, respect, and attraction. Tattletale countered, arguing their public identities forced them together. She predicted Victor would cheat, seeking the infatuation he lacked with Othala. Victor, enraged, accused Tattletale of manipulating Othala.
Tattletale admitted she was using a “more civilized” method than torture to pressure Victor. She threatened to dismantle his group further while they looted the Chosen’s belongings. Othala offered to “open up” their relationship, but Victor told her to relax, not panicking to avoid playing into Tattletale’s hands.
Skitter, to emphasize their power, placed black widow spiders on Victor’s face, warning him and the others to remain still. Imp and Tattletale returned with loot, and Imp sealed Fog in Shatterbird’s glass cube with spray paint. Tattletale explained that Victor’s power worked by proximity and contact, potentially draining skills.
Victor, unable to speak, didn’t respond to Tattletale’s query. Skitter, maintaining eye contact with Tattletale, moved the spiders at her request. Victor, still defiant, claimed he was “undecided.” Regent offered a reduced sentence if he cooperated, which Victor accepted.
Skitter released Victor, ordering the others to stay put until they were gone. She signaled them once the Undersiders were out of range. Back at their headquarters, Skitter confronted Tattletale about being left in the dark. Tattletale apologized, admitting she underestimated Skitter’s concern but argued that Victor wasn’t different from Shadow Stalker, whom Skitter had been okay with controlling.
Skitter, having spent time with Shadow Stalker, felt she could judge her psychopathy but had no such knowledge of Victor. Tattletale should have consulted her. Regent criticized Skitter’s hypocrisy, given her undercover activities. They argued about concessions and compromises, with Regent pointing out Skitter’s initial desire for revenge against Shadow Stalker.
Skitter denied it, but Regent insisted she was dishonest. He asked if she could “return the favor” of going along with the group’s plans, as they had with hers. Tattletale clarified they were using Regent’s power on “legitimately fucked up” individuals and acknowledged her mistake in not informing Skitter. She apologized, asking Skitter to accept and move on.
Skitter raised concerns about the potential repercussions of Regent’s power, fearing it could unite their enemies. Regent defended his limited abilities, arguing that group discussion wasn’t always feasible. Skitter proposed capturing potential targets, discussing it, and releasing them if necessary. Regent countered that this wouldn’t alleviate paranoia.
Tattletale argued that fear was beneficial, and their enemies were already banding together. Regent’s status as a target might distract from more crucial team members. She also pointed out the strategic advantage of having Regent on the team, as enemies would hesitate to attack him for fear of releasing Shatterbird.
Tattletale revealed the plan’s multiple objectives: acquiring uncrackable data from the PRT headquarters, possibly outing Coil’s involvement with them, and giving Grue a chance to gain permanent enhancements from Victor’s power. She also hinted at using Victor to gather intel on Coil’s skills and background.
Skitter, though still wishing for prior discussion, accepted Tattletale’s reasoning and agreed to move forward. Regent jokingly asked for Skitter’s faith in his judgment, which she denied. He mentioned going to Coil’s to handle the next phase. Tattletale decided to join, while Skitter opted to return to her territory and manage her priorities, including protecting her father and people, organizing equipment, and maintaining communication with the team and Coil.
Imp, having stayed behind to watch Night, approached Skitter for a favor, something she didn’t want Coil to overhear. Skitter, frustrated by the constant influx of crises, wondered how she’d manage everything.